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2009 - Black Rock Residential Recording Studio in Santorini A 300m2 villa in Santorini was converted into a Residential Sound Studio. The villa now shelters a high-end recording studio and a 5 bedroom residence with a spacious living area and kitchen plus servicing facilities. ​The design approach was that of a serene environment that would compliment the quiet outdoor landscape. The colour palette consists of natural earth tones, blue and white shades, mirroring the colours of the aegean architecture and natural environment. Each bedroom has a different theme, either based on a colour and a style. The bathrooms were designed according to local architectural elements, like the curved shower walls and the tainted cement floors and walls. The attached recording studio has some darker tones in greys and blues to accentuate the breathtaking views from the windows and a large domed studio room that is in white, a treatment that gives the space a monastic feel. 
The Acoustic Architecture was designed and supervısed by Roger D'Arcy, manager director and senior designer at Recording Architecture Limited, London.

Paraskevi Gogorosi . Architect

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