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2009 - International Competition for The New Maribor Art Gallery in Slovenia
As a feature of major interest the New Museum should attract should attract interest by its form, orientation and layout. 
The form of our proposal reflects the city's architecture with the tiled sloping roofs and the mountainous surroundings in a contemporary approach. The sloping roof tilts towards the river minimizing the height as it approaches the banks.
Warm material such as the copper panels of the roofs are balanced with the cold materials of the concrete walls and glass surfaces. Through the latter natural light penetrates the building from all directions and from the skylight slots. During late hours the museum will present its interior to the city through its transparent façades. 
Passerby's can experience art as the artwork can be viewed through the surrounding glass surfaces. The enclosed open space functions as a cultural and social hub for the citizens of Maribor. 
The atrium apart from a free time space serves as an open space for events and exhibitions. It allows for the unobtrusive experience of the museum for the visitors and the easy flow of vehicles on ground level.
Both spaces for the permanent and the periodical exhibition have an open space layout as to allow for versatility in spatial arrangements.
The cafeteria and the rest of the catering services are integrated in the exhibition space as a part of the cultural and social experience. They are visually open to the city and the river and functionally open to the atrium.
Open spaces are created and connected to the existing ones. The existing Military Square, the entrance open space, the atrium and the suggested square towards the north of the museum are components of a succession of open spaces spread all over the city.
Collaborating Architects:
Pavlos M. Calligas
Anna Papastergiou​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Paraskevi Gogorosi . Architect

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